DF54 coffee grinder has a small exit chute. It's easy to get clogged. There are a few tips that you can avoid clogging.
If DF54 is clogged the motor stops to prevent from getting damaged. You will need to open up the grinder and do a full clean up. Please follow this video.
When you are doing the cleanup please also check the declumpers. Usually the flap of the declumper got bent. You will need to bend it back so that it's flat. Here is an example of the bent declumper.
Here is the flat declumper that should look like.
After the declumpers are back to normal you can put the chute back.
Another tip is to use the included cleaning brush to clean the exit chute once a week. This is to ensure the grinds not going to build up in the exit chute and also keep the performance of the plasmas generator.